Lux Women’s Choir

The Lux Women’s Choir had an unconventional start. Founded in September of 2021, the world was grasping for some normalcy in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. Megan Farison, who at the time was Director of Music and Arts at Midland Memorial Presbyterian Church, proposed to church administration that there might be a way to rehearse safely. And so, Lux had its very first rehearsal, masked and distanced in the church parking lot. Seventeen women showed up to the first rehearsal and more followed. Now Lux is entering its fourth season, gaining new members each year. Lux Women’s Choir is a multi-generational community ensemble that welcomes adult women regardless of race, ethnicity, religious affiliation and previous choral experience. Lux performs literature that explores the human experience and lifts the human spirit.


Voice Coaching

